30-12-2023 20:02:57 | Current | ESPI | 22/2023
The Management Board of Mycodern S.A. with its seat in Gdańsk _”the Company”_ informs that the Company has received
notifications from shareholders, prepared in accordance with Article 69 of the Public Offering Act, regarding
changes in voting shares, i.e:
– from Mr. Michał Przyłęcki, on lowering the share below the threshold of 5% of votes at the general
Meeting of the Company,
– from Mr. Przyłęcki Family Foundation, on exceeding the threshold of 25% in votes at the general meeting of the
general meeting of the Company.
Attached, the Management Board provides the notifications received.
MP-zawiadomienie – art. 69 ustawy o ofercie-29.12.2023.pdf
Fundacja-zawiadomienie – art. 69 ustawy o ofercie-29.12.2023.pdf