
ESPI Current Report, No. 1/2022, Shareholder notification on change in voting interest of MEDIAN POLAND S.A. (PLMDNPL00013)

04-01-2022 14:43:26 | Current | ESPI | 1/2022

Legal basis
Article 70 item 1 of the Act on Offering – acquisition or disposal of a significant block of shares
Content of the report:

The Management Board of Median Polska S.A. with its seat in Mysłowice _hereinafter: the Company_ informs that today the Company received a notification from its shareholder, Mr. Tomasz Serafin, regarding the reduction of his share below the threshold of 50% of votes at the Company’s General Meeting.

Content of the notice:
“Pursuant to art. 69 section 1 item 2_, art. 69 section 2 item 1_ letter b_ and art. 69 section 2 item 2_ of the Act of July 29, 2005. on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading, and Public Companies _”the Act”_, I hereby notify of a decrease in my shareholding below the thresholds of 75% and 50% of the total number of votes, a change in my previous shareholding above 10% of the total number of votes by at least 5% of the total number of votes, and a change in my previous shareholding above 33% of the total number of votes by at least 1% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Median Polska S.A. with its seat in Mysłowice _”the Company”_.
1. date and type of event causing the change in the shareholding to which the notification relates:
The reduction of the shareholding below the threshold of 75% of the total number of votes, the change of the shareholding previously held over 10% of the total number of votes by at least 5% of the total number of votes and the change of the shareholding previously held over 33% of the total number of votes by at least 1% of the total number of votes at the general meeting of the Company were caused by my sale under a civil law contract of 2,100,000 shares in the Company, which were derecognized from my investment account on December 28, 2021, which I learned about on January 4, 2022.
Subsequently, the reduction of the shareholding below the threshold of 50% of the total number of votes, the change of the shareholding previously held over 10% of the total number of votes by at least 5% of the total number of votes and the change of the shareholding previously held over 33% of the total number of votes by at least 1% of the total number of votes at the Company’s general meeting were caused by my sale under civil law contracts of a total of 1,245,000 shares in the Company, which were removed from my investment account on December 29, 2021, as I learned on January 4, 2022.
2. the number of shares held before the change of shareholding and their percentage share in the company’s share capital, as well as the number of votes from these shares and their percentage share in the total number of votes:
Prior to the change in shareholding, I held 6,845,000 shares representing 77.21% of the share capital, entitling me to exercise 6,845,000 votes therefrom, representing 77.21% of the votes at the Company’s general meeting.
3. number of shares currently held and their percentage share in the company’s share capital, as well as the number of votes from these shares and their percentage share in the total number of votes:
After derecognition on December 28, 2021. 2,100,000 shares from my investment account, I held 4,745,000 shares representing 53.52% of the share capital, entitling me to exercise 4,745,000 votes therefrom, representing 53.52% of the votes at the Company’s general meeting.
After derecognition on December 29, 2021. 1,245,000 shares from my investment account, I held 3,500,000 shares representing 39.48% of the share capital, entitling me to exercise 3,500,000 votes therefrom, which accounted for 39.48% of votes at the Company’s general meeting.
4 Subsidiaries of the notifying shareholder holding shares in the company:
Not applicable – no subsidiaries holding shares of the Company.
5. persons referred to in Article 87(1)(3)(c) of the Public Offering Act:
Not applicable.
6. Number of votes from shares, calculated in the manner specified in Article 69b Section 2, which the holder of financial instruments referred to in Article 69b Section 1 item 1 and financial instruments referred to in Article 69b Section 1 item 2 that are not exercised exclusively through cash settlement, the type or name of such financial instruments, their expiration date and the date or date on which the acquisition of shares will or may take place:
Not applicable.
7 The number of votes from shares, calculated in the manner specified in Article 69b, paragraph 3, to which the financial instruments referred to in Article 69b, paragraph 1, item 2, either directly or indirectly, the type or name of such financial instruments, and the expiration date of such financial instruments:
Not applicable.
8 Total sum of the number of votes indicated pursuant to items 3, 6 and 7 and its percentage share in the total number of votes:
After derecognition on December 28, 2021. 2,100,000 shares from my investment account, I held 4,745,000 votes, representing 53.52% of the votes at the Company’s general meeting.
After derecognition on December 29, 2021. 1,245,000 shares from my investment account, I held 3,500,000 votes, representing 39.48% of the votes at the Company’s general meeting.”

  • Martyna Serafin – President of the Board

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